Sleeping In Clear Light

Lanna Spencer

Sleep & Stress Release

4 audios of activations & holographic encodings for deep sleep ($250 value!)

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Full Description

This package contains 4 audios:

1-Introduction to Sleep Practices (20min)

2-Recording of a Live Broadcast on Sleep Practices & an Activation (60min)

3-Clear Light of Sleep Practices (20min)

4-Clear Light of Sleep Silent mp3 with ocean sounds (3min)

The state of your mind & consciousness as you fall asleep can influence the quality of your sleep, your dreams, affect your consciousness, and change your life.

This 4-audio series will:
Discuss the benefits of having a sleep practice on consciousness and how it deepens your connection to Source & multidimensional awareness. In this practice l teach you how to prepare yourself for sleep, facilitate better rest, a connection with the clear light of your being, increase restorative sleep, clarity, and healing throughout the night.

1-Introduction to Sleep Practices (20min)

A discussion about why we should cultivate Sleep Practices for greater health and expanded awareness. Discusses sleep from the perspective of science and 3D dimensional views of the brain, sleep,& how it may be used for tapping into our infinite potential.

2-Recording of a Live Broadcast on Sleep Practices & an Activation (60min)

We spend 25-33% of our life sleeping. Many have problems sleeping or do not operate at an optimal level of clarity & vitality during the day. It is because we enter into sleep without being properly prepared.

This recorded call will discuss types of sleep, the effects of states of consciousness on sleeping and waking, discusses some of the benefits of having a sleep practice, and also teaches you how to perform the steps of Clear Light of Sleep practice and gives you an activation so you have the Soul support & tools to be able to start a nightly practice.

3-Clear Light of Sleep Practices (20min)

Outlines all of the steps then leads you into a Clear light Activation and Practice Exercises that you can learn the 5D sleep practices

4-Clear Light of Sleep Silent mp3 with ocean sounds (3min)

To be played on a loop as support once you learn the steps of the Sleep practice. Special holographic encoding with Clear Light of Mother/Father God and the sound of the ocean to take you deeply and clearly into the state of clear light and spaciousness of your being for sleep or meditation.

How to Use

Who can use this:
Anyone, adults and school age children or older. Parents usually teach the steps to their children and practice with them and set the clear light silent loop on replay throughout the night.

When to Use:
When preparing for sleep or for deep meditation.


Caution: do not use or listen while driving or performing any physical task that requires your attention.


1-Introduction talk on Sleep 5D Practice.mp3

2-Discussion of Sleep Practices & Demo.mp3

3-Clear Light of Sleep 5D Practice.mp3

4-Silent Loop Clear Light of Sleep with Ocean Waves.mp3

$250    $89.99