Be Well Enlightenment

Lanna Spencer


15 audios to upgrade & harmonize your entire body ($750 value!)

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Full Description

Contains 13 short downloadable audio recordings & 2 Bonus recordings from extended Live Sessions. These are holographic downloads from my conscious to yours designed to UPGRADE and harmonize you across 5 dimensions of experience including physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual dimensions.

-Intro to NWHM with Well Being Holographic Activation
Sets the stage to understand the 3D to 5D paradigm shift. Enhances multidimensional receptivity in the body and your consciousness.

-1 Cell Well
3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing, balancing for the basic building blocks of your entire body. 5D UPGRADES to unity consciousness and New Earth Energies, Diamond Light Activation within the cells

-2 Brain Well
3D-5D Entrainment & en-lightenment for all of the structures in the brain for 5D living. Begins to open and lateralize both hemispheres and increase communication with 5D centers in the heart.

-3 Heart and Circulatory System:
3D-5D En-lightenment, opening, clearing and balancing for the heart, vessels, blood, lymphatic systems. Opens, deepens connection to heart center and the multidimensional self. Connects and amplifies heart connection to the Heart of Mother Earth.

-4 Nervous System
3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for Central Nervous system, Peripheral Nervous system and adrenal glands.

-5 Pulmonary System
3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for Lungs and oxygen carrying capacity and transfer systems throughout the body

-6 Digestive System
3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for stomach, gall bladder, liver, small and large intestines

-7 Urinary System
3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for kidneys, urinary tract. Golden crystalline grid for rapid clearing and processing of anger, & energetic toxins

-8 Glands
The Glands are located throughout the brain and body and regulate important cellular, metabolic, & hormonal functions in the body. 3D-5D En-lightenment promotes clearing and balancing for Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Thyroid, parathyroid, Thalamus, endocrine glands & Pancreas. Also awakens and entrains to White diamond and solar light pathways within and around the body

-9 Hair, Nails, Skin
3D-5D En-lightenment, vibrational support, clearing and balancing for the largest organ in the body, your skin. Releases your inner youthfulness and luminosity.

-10 Skeletal
3D-5D En-lightenment & Vibrational support for bones, joints, and ligaments. Clears & releases old ancestral patterns, strengthens & balances Divine feminine golden-rose and Divine Masculine Solar energies of this important support system

-11 Chakras
Are energy centers located in and around the body and correspond to health and wellness. Holographic 3D-5D Alignment & En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for the Chakra system.

-12 Meridians
Are the energy lines that run within the body and correspond to the wellness & functioning of the various body organs, glands, & body systems. Meridians also connect the body systems to the 5D energy bodies. Additionally they are responsible for balancing the elements and male-female energies of the body. This .mp3 provides 3D-5D En-lightenment, clearing and balancing for the meridian system.

-Bonus MP3 Abundance
Recording of a live session. Growing the Abundance FIELD from 5D. The energies contained within this activation are as strong as if you were there live.

-Bonus MP3 Resilience
Recording of extended live session. Entraining to your 5D Brilliance & overcoming adversity. The energies contained within this activation are as strong as if you were there live.

How to Use

Who should use these?
Adults and teenagers who are interested in Upgrading their consciousness & vibrational state, Upgrading the status of the health & wellness, including mental clarity and emotional state. Anyone seeking to raise their vibration and increase the light quotient in their body and consciousness which lead to enhance awareness and greater intuitive abilities.

How to use:
Begin with the Cell Well first, then you can either run through the entire body series or the systems that are most useful for you personally.

For best results listen without distraction using ear buds or head phones while sitting or lying down in a comfortable position.

When to Use:
Mp3 are approximately 6-11 minutes each so about 1.5 hours total to go through for the Enlightenment series.
All of our systems are related and work together. Therefore, I recommend listening to all of the mp3s as an Immersive experience everyday for at least 30 days.

On the same day you may also repeat use starting with the cell well and then adding any body systems that is of particular interest or concern to you.

You can not over-use them but most will notice that the intensity will lessen when a rest interval is needed so that the energies can be integrated...

Use Daily for a period of at least 30 days the first time, or for acute challenges or problems or when making bigger changes in your life. Results are both immediate and cumulative. Recommend daily use to create & maintain a new set point.


Please do no drive while using as altered states of consciousness have occurred during use that may affect your ability to maintain your attention safely.


1 Cell Well UPGRADE.mp3

2 BrainWell UPGRADE.mp3

3 HEART & Circulatory Systeml UPGRADE.mp3

4 Nervous System Well UPGRADE.mp3

5 Pulmonary Holographic UPGRADE.mp3

6 Digestive Well UPGRADE.mp3

7 Urinary Well UPGRADE.mp3

8 Glands Well UPGRADE.mp3

9 Skin Well UPGRADE.mp3

10 Skeletal Well UPGRADE.mp3

11 Chakras UPGRADE.mp3

12 Meridians UPGRADE.mp3


Introduction to mp3 Usage for A Soul Driven Life.mp3


$750    $99.99