Chakra Balancing & Healing (music)

Jenny Ngo

Chakras & Energy Field

Quantum energies to balance & clear all your chakras


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Full Description

Use this audio to immediately balance and clear negative energy from all your chakras in all your bodies.

This audio MP3 will also help you to connect your physical body to your other bodies, raise your vibratory rate and consciousness, remove imbalances, and accelerate the ability of your cells to heal your body quickly, thereby making you less prone to illness.

Always remember that when one chakra is out of balance, the others are sure to be out of balance too.

Binaural or brainwave entrainment is embedded.


*Your organ systems, glands, and organs, including your brain, are aligned, balanced, and cleansed as needed.

*Your intuition and connection to your Higher Self and God/Source are enhanced or increased.

*Your awareness and consciousness are raised.

*Your overall energy vibration is raised.

*Healing and clearings are done in all bodies, generations, and dimensions.

*Negative energies, including spirits, entities, attachments, portals/vortexes, voodoo/black magic, and/or honing beacons, are cleared for your Highest Good

*You, your loved ones, and your environment are grounded and shielded from all negative energies when you intend and/or put on your comprehensive healing list and just ask the God Team to work on my list using the MP3.

Also, Jenny's signature Quantum Dimensional Healing energies are embedded in each of her healing MP3s. In addition, they all have the:

*Healing energies: Reiki, Quantum-Touch, & Other Purest Healing Energies

*Healing music embedded

*Source High Vibrational Healing Oils Essence

*Positive Subliminal Affirmations- the energy frequencies embedded

Create your very own energy infused healing water and food using this audio for healing and protection for you and your loved ones. For this instruction, visit

How to Use

You can use this audio 1 time a day OR as you are guided.

When looping, suggest limit use up to 8 hours at a time.

Headphones are not required

Active participation is not required

For more individualized usage, especially if you are more sensitive to energies and/or more advanced, then you can muscle test, use a pendulum, and/or ask for guidance to how often to use including looping or put on repeat play.

Listen to a Sample!


Safe for ALL to use. Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state. May experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms: The energies of this audio work through deep layers of "gunk" clearing and healing, so you may experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms. These symptoms should be temporary and indicate that your body is healing, processing, and releasing the negative gunk energies. A positive sign of healing. Listen to your body, rest or nap when able, stay hydrated, and be present with whatever you are experiencing so that it can be worked through or out of you quicker as you are not resisting.


Chakras Balancing Healing Music.mp3

