Karma Cleanse

Shelley Esler

Clearing Energies

Clear everything -- mental, emotional, or physical -- that's holding you back!

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Full Description

Enjoy this voice transmission of healing frequencies

Have you ever felt a heaviness in your body? Unexplained fear, anxiety, or anger? Maybe you feel like you're carrying around baggage that was never yours to begin with?

If you're ready to shake off the weight and experience a new sense of lightness, then Karma Cleanse is what you need!

The frequencies of this audio will help you clear everything -- mental, emotional, or physical -- thats keeping you from being who you truly are so you can enjoy your state of perfection!

Clear layers of darkness easily and quickly!

Through this audio, you will:

--Open yourself up to your perfection

--Allow emotions to neutralize -- melt away, clear, dissolve, flow, change, transmute -- whatever you need in this moment

--Go deep into clearing and healing on a cellular level

--Open up to your original Soul Blueprint -- your state of perfection

--Adjust on a DNA level from all the programming of the karmic densities that we were born with and that
you're currently experiencing to rediscover who you truly are

--Increase and compound frequencies over and over again to bring deep, lasting relief

--Bring in the nutrition you need

--Shake things up in order to clear out stubborn issues that are plaguing you and then focus on bringing stability back in

How to Use

You can listen to this audio as often as you like and need.

You can listen on loop at normal or silent volume; either way, the frequencies will still be effective

The more you listen, the deeper the healing will go.


This audio may cause detox symptoms. Please do not use while driving, operating machinery, etc.


Karma Cleanse.mp3


$27    FREE