Cutting Cords & Clearing Entities

Shelley Esler

Clearing Energies

Cut and clear everything that's not in your life for your highest good!


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Full Description

Enjoy this voice transmission of healing frequencies

Do you ever feel like you have a shadow hanging over you? Something weighing you down?

You're doing the work, trying to do all the right things, but your results fall short of your desires. Maybe you're anxious, angry, fearful, unhappy and you don't know why.

These can all be signs of entity inference.

This audio transmits frequencies to help you cut and clear everything that's not in your life for your highest good so that you can soar free and manifest your desires!

Anything that's not unconditional love must be cut and cleared!

Through this audio, you will:

--Ground and center into your heart space, into the here and now, and into your core

--Strengthen and clear your core

--Cut cords, remove anything that's not from the Creator, and fill the empty space with God's Golden White Light

--Remove and transmutate all entities, extraterrestrials, implants, amphibian and reptilian energies, low energy beings, interdimensional beings, waywards, tricksters, and anything thats not from God and for your highest good

--Release all fear, pain, worries, and anxieties

--Deepen your connection to the infinite and eternal part of yourself

--Experience frequencies of healing, peace, and serenity

--Rediscover your REAL state of being and who you are

--Find yourself surrounded by unconditional love, protection, and continued healing

How to Use

Listen to this recording as often as you like.

You can loop on normal or even silent volume; either way, the frequencies will still be effective

The more you listen, the deeper the healing will go.

Listen to a Sample!


This audio may cause detox symptoms. Please for your safety: do not use while driving, operating machinery, etc.


cutting cords and clearing entities.mp3
