Sacred Sound Healing

Jennifer Escalera

Sleep & Stress Release

Crystal bowl tones clear your solar plexus to bring harmony & inner peace

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Full Description

Your sonic journey will take through a dream-like trance for an inner journey of higher consciousness and inner peace.

Listening to this audio will clear your solar plexus and bring you harmony of inner peace, inner tolerance, and balance of the spiritual and material worlds. As a result you will find a state of rest and calming your nervous system for better sleep and improved energy level.

This live sacred sound healing was recorded on 1-11-15.

How to Use

Ok to listen while drifting off to sleep.

You can also play this on a loop during sleep.

Listen whenever you want to let go of the outside world and draw inward into your dream state.

Best to listen with headphones.

Listen to a Sample!


Do not use while driving or when your full attention is required. May cause you to feel sleepy so be mindful of when you're not required to do anything else but to just be.


Sacred Sound Healing Meditation Live.mp3


$7    $1.99