Divine Balance

Kimberly McGeorge

Chakras & Energy Field

Balance and bring in the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy

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Full Description

Have you ever desired to have balance in your life in all areas? This begins with balancing the Divine feminine and Divine masculine.

Everything changes when this is balanced and in flow. This affects your health, your energy, your finances and your love life!

We have woven powerful multi wave frequencies into this track filled with the planetary, zodiac, certain essential oils and much more.

We have over 19 years of frequency formulating experience. When you purchase one of our tracks, you can rest assured that we have lab tested our frequency generators to make sure they are therapeutic and powerful.

This is a wonderful track that you can feel deeply within your being and will help connect you to Universal energy in the most powerful way.

How to Use

All of our MP3's can be listened to with our without headphones. In fact, we recommend you listen without headphones so everyone around you including your enironment can benefit from these frequencies.

It is nice at times to meditate and sit down or lie down and focus on the energy moving through you, taking note of where it is in resistance and opening this up to flow.

All of our MP3's are super powerful and filled with many different wave forms and frequencies.

You can definitely only listen to them once or even just a couple minutes to receive full benefit. You are also welcome to loop them as there are no cautions to this track.

You can always play them into water. We like to add a couple drops of essential oils (edible only) to make a powerful "drink your frequency" tonic.

Listen to a Sample!


There are no cautions with is MP3. You may have powerful shifts in relationships, abundance or career. When your energy is balanced you are in flow and creation!


Perfect Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine - 8:4:18, 5.18 PM.mp3


$29    $7.99