Releasing Emotional Eating & Weight

Michelle Carter

Fitness & Weight

7 Audios to release old eating beliefs & replace with new positive ones!

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Full Description

7 audio package:

Audio 1 - Filling New Eating Beliefs

For any change to be permanent we need to replace the old unwanted energies with new beliefs that will serve us and give us what we desire.

This subtle but powerful audio will fill your mind with new beliefs allowing your body to guide you to eat a healthy, balanced and enjoyable diet, including all the foods you love!

When we are happy then our vibration is high so changing our beliefs will raise our vibration and the vibration of the food we eat, which reflects in a slimmer, healthier body!

Feel Good & Look Good & Enjoy Eating!

Audio 2 - Affirming New Eating Beliefs

Listening to this audio and Affirming these new eating beliefs will change your beliefs quicker and give you new healthy eating beliefs that will serve you and allow your body to self-regulate to it's natural healthy shape and weight.

I desire to love myself and my body, knowing that the more I do love my body then the quicker it will reflect this love to me in the mirror!

Just enjoy Your Life, Your Eating and Your Body!

Audio 3 - Releasing Eating Beliefs

Are your eating habits out of control or dominating your happiness? Are you always on a new diet, but nothing works?

This powerful audio will release your current eating beliefs, patterns & habits, including all beliefs that some foods will make you fat or put on weight and that you have to eat a boring, healthy diet to be slim, all beliefs that healthy foods don't taste good, releasing cravings to eat junk food and then feel guilty afterwards, all beliefs that you can't or shouldn't eat any junk food & move into allowing your body to know what food it needs to be healthy.

Be Free to Enjoy Whatever Food You Desire to Eat!

Audio 4 - Releasing Emotional Eating

Do you desire to be in control of your eating and put an end to excessive emotional eating for all the wrong reasons?

This powerful audio release is for you! It releases the causes of emotional eating including all patterns, beliefs & programming.

Let go of emotional issues that are stopping you from Loving Yourself, have eating habits that fit in with socializing and having fun. Enjoy your food and enjoy meals out!

Audio 5 - Filling New Body & Weight Beliefs

New beliefs about your body and weight can totally change how you view yourself, which will positively affect Your Body Shape and Weight!

Change your programming so that you can learn to be kind to yourself, love yourself & allow yourself to blossom. As your learn to be your own best friend, your body will reflect this inner harmony and allowing it return to it's natural body shape and weight.

See Your Inner Beauty as it starts to Shine out more and more & Love the You you see in the mirror!

Audio 6 - Affirming New Body & Weight Beliefs

Reinforces the releasing and filling audios so you can believe your new body & weight beliefs.
"I choose to accept that I am beautiful on the inside and the more I feel and focus on my inner beauty then the more this will shine out and be reflected in my physical body."

You will start to Love Yourself and focus on all your good points, allowing your body to transform through all the love it is receiving. Love Heals!

Audio 7 - Releasing Weight Loss

Is your weight ruling your life and constantly in your thoughts, affecting your self-confidence and whole life?
Release the causes of excess weight gain, not being able to maintain a healthy ideal body shape & weight, allowing You to be Free of being controlled by weight gain beliefs, patterns & beliefs.

Enjoy Your Body and Enjoy Your Life!

How to Use

This is a guided program, for the full email course of emails instructions please email

Do not play these audios on loop.

Start by playing:
1. Releasing audios, then
2. Filling audios, then
3. Affirming audios


Do not play when needing your full focus or whilst driving. Some people may experience some releasing symptoms, feeling emotional as the energies leave.


Releasing All Releasing Energies.mp3

Releasing Eating Beliefs.mp3

Releasing Emotional Eating.mp3

Releasing Weight Issues.mp3

Filling New Body & Weight Beliefs.mp3

Filling New Eating Beliefs.mp3

Affiming New Body & Weight Beliefs.mp3

Affirming New Eating Beliefs.mp3

$95    $79.99