Star Dust

Jill Mattson


Grow with star tones & elemental tuning! Perfect Heaven and Earth in YOU!

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Full Description

Star Dust - Music of the Stars
-Lessen Challenging Astrological Energy!
-Ingest Heavenly Energy!

The 8 audios in Star Dust music feature the sound frequencies from the stars (planets). The ancient Chinese and Egyptians, thousands of years before Christ, listened to star sounds to help people with challenges from low level electromagnetic energy coming in from the stars (astrology). In fact, they often referred to their music as playing the stars.

Using today's physics, the frequencies of the planets-in-motion in their orbits can be calculated and raised into our hearing range. Using ancient secrets and modern technologies you can listen to the perfect sounds of the stars twinkling in the background of the fluid and ethereal Star Dust music.

Our physical body is primarily made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The stars are made of these same elements, although we have different proportions. Our bodies and the stars are made out of the same elements! Are we star dust?

The stars are composed largely of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which are also transposed into tones and are found twinkling in the background of the Star Dust music. These elements are also found in large quantities in your body! The resonance process (verified by science) enables you to tune these elements in your body, just by listening to these tones! In addition to the connecting with recorded ascended master energy, the fluid and ethereal music will lift and elevate your soul!

A French physicist, Joel Sternheimer, discovered sound frequencies of molecules. Joel produced a formula to calculate frequencies for elements in the Periodic Table. So every element has a frequency. Therefore. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen make frequencies, a song if you will! The stars have a song and so do we!

When you hear the sounds of the stars (raised up octaves into your hearing range), you can vibrate in harmony with the Songs of the Heavens.

Physicist, Hans Cousto suggests that when you tune into the earth's frequency, you simultaneously tune into the energy of other's such as the Indian and Tibetan monks, who are in harmony with the Earth. By tuning into their energy, you participate in their peace of mind, you "become part of the morphogenetic field" of all those already in harmony due to their regular meditation. You can listen to the Earth tone and subtly download these great beings' energy!

When you raise the Earth-day frequency 66 octaves, you create the resonance of DNA, linking the resonance of DNA and the Earth tone. Can you tune up your DNA, by listening to the tone of the Earth? When your DNA is healthy, you raise energies of your body, mind and emotions.

Cousto notes that the moon affects the tides and also our body fluids. He also suggests that tuning with the moon frequency can help stabilize fluid imbalances. He also cautions, not use tuning forks to replace traditional medicine. The moon tone twinkles in the Star Dust CD.

Twinkle with the stars and light your aura up with high energies from the second chakra above your head!

How to Use

Each listen downloads high energy from the second chakra above your head. There is absolute, uncompromising joy in this chakra -it releases a very high white light.

Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music!

No headphones required, although you may use them.

Many report peace and acceptance beyond measure.


Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music! The music is divinely relaxing, use your judgement on using this when driving!




Peace to You.mp3

Time to Go.mp3

Davids Song.mp3

You are in the Air.mp3

Softly Sleeping.mp3

You are in Me.mp3

$18    $9.99