Green Ray: Truth & Abundance

Jill Mattson


Energies of the Green Ray from Angels and Ascended Masters

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Full Description

This track contains energies of the Green Ray: Arch Angel Raphael, and Ascended Masters Buddha, Mahakala, Amaryilis and Hilarion

Welcome to a Meditation of the Color Rays - including channeled subtle energy from Angels and Ascended Masters to provide subtle energy linkages of their energy to yours!

The music in the background is in the key signature relating to the color ray! (When you take the cycles per second of colored light down octaves they are then correlated to a musical note.)

Tones associated with balancing and opening your chakras sound softly in the background.

Also in the background is the Schumann Frequency, a standing wave in the Earth's atmosphere which is associated with healing.

The Frequencies of Master Numbers twinkle in the background! Masters numbers are single digits three times in a row, such as 111, 222, 333, and so on. Masters numbers represent highly charged subtle energy that when balanced and integrated within one's self provide special energetic gifts.

Bathe is a guided meditation with subtle energy and frequencies associated with healing and uplifting your energy!

Each Color Ray has its own unique energy!

Colors, Notes & Attributes:

Color Ray - Pitch Energy - Gifts associated with the Ray

Pink/Red - C - Love, Adoration, Creativity, Compassion

Orange - D - Creative Expression, Internal Strength, Common Sense, Intellect

Yellow - E - Wisdom & Understanding

Green - F# - Truth, Healing, Abundance, Science

Blue - G# - Power, Will, Protection, Faith

Violet - A# - Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, Purity, Transmutation

White - In between B & C - Purity, Discipline & Harmony

Angels & Masters are associated with the Color Rays!
The full Angel Remedies include these tracks!
The full angel remedies are a track within the Contacting Angels and Maters CD!

Pink Ray: Arch Angel Chamuel - Ascended Masters are Kwan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Dom Ignacio, Paul the Venetian, Krisna, Maat

Orange Ray: Arch Angel Cassiel, - Dalai Lama, Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamiji, Sai Baba & many Hindu Masters

Yellow Ray: Arch Angel Jophiel, Aloha the Elohim, Arch Angel Christine, The Deva of Light, The Deva of the Central Sun - Ascended Masters are Jesus, Kuthumi, Lao Tse, Eros, Helios, Sanat Kumara, Pallas Athena, Lady Nada, Hathor, Krishna, Amaryllis, Omega, Lord Lanto

Green Ray: Arch Angel Raphael - Ascended Masters are Buddha, Mahakala, Amaryilis, Hilarion

Blue Ray: Arch Angel Michael & Heros the Elohim - Masters are Metatron, Mahakala, Heros, El Morya, Osiris, Melchizedek, John the Baptist, Mother Mary, Kuthumi, Jesus

Violet Ray: Arch Angels Uriel & Zadkiel - Ascended Masters are St. Germain, Ramon, Pallas Athena, Isis, Arcturus

White Ray: Arch Angel Gabriel, Arch Angel Christine, Elohim of the 8th Ray, Arch Angel Charity - Ascended Masters are Serapis Bay, John the Baptist, Paul the Venetian, Melchizedek, Lord Lanto, Lady Nada, Osiris, Metatron, Maat, Alpha, Amaryllis, Krishna

How to Use

Use as often as you like to ingest more and more of this heavenly, 5th dimensional energy!

Listen to a Sample!


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