My Soul

Jill Mattson

Chakras & Energy Field

Heals with ethereal music, Solfeggio/reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones

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Full Description

"My Soul" will fill your home, your head, and your heart with ethereal and soothing original scores entirely written and performed by Jill Mattson. Many report changing life paths or understanding their life path after listening to this music for extended periods of time.

The collection features angelic vocals and uses sound healing techniques drawn from Ancient Mystery Schools to take you deep into layers within yourself for renewal and uplifting, energizing your mind and heart. This track uses the sacred geometry of the Fibonacci series to create a profoundly healing effect.

Ancient clairvoyants could see someone's aura light up whenever they listened to a series of special frequencies, called the Solfeggio tones. They could see the healing power of these special frequencies on a multitude of levels. As people lost clairvoyant vision, they encoded these in the Bible and in ancient Egypt, to insure their safekeeping through the ages. These tones sparkle throughout the "Paint Your Soul" music.

The Fibonacci series is a pattern found in the geometries of solar systems, plants and seashells, the human body, and in some of the world's most loved art and architecture. On this track, Jill has used tuning forks to produce pure Fibonacci tones and convert this spiral-shaped sacred geometric pattern into musical form.

The Fibonacci numbers (or sound frequencies where music is concerned), when graphed, reveal a spiral pattern (Nautilus shell). In contrast, graphs of analogous notes in Western music create a circle. Many ancient traditions held that listening to the spiral pattern of sound quickens the listeners soul, enabling it to rise closer to God and enlightenment. Paint Your Soul uses tuning forks to produce the pure Fibonacci tones of this spiral pattern. This creates a sound carves a pathway into the listeners consciousness elevating him spiritually and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.

The original hidden numerical pattern of the Solfeggio tones was incomplete, as evidenced by unfinished numerical sequences. The fully completed series, 18 tones, translated into musical tones using tuning forks, is contained in Paint Your Soul.

Frequency 396: Turn grief into joy. Liberates energy and eliminates hidden blockages/subconscious negative beliefs

Frequency 417: Connects to Source. Liberates energy and eliminates hidden blockages/subconscious negative beliefs

Frequency 528: Repair DNA. Facilitates transformation and miracles. Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.

Frequency 639: Connect to Spiritual Family. Creates harmony in relationships

Frequency 741: Solve Problems & Increase Intuition. Empowers self-expression and authenticity. Harmonizes and links the mind, body, consciousness and spiritual energies

Frequency 852: Return to Spiritual Family. Harmonizes and links the mind, body, consciousness and spiritual energies.

According to ancient traditions, these sounds carve a pathway into the listener's consciousness, elevating the spirit and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.

How to Use

Each listen downloads high energy from the first chakra above your head. There is a sweet cathartic release with the music, perhaps making you cry, but more like sorrow released turning into joy.

Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music!

No headphones required, although you may use them.

Many report changing life paths or understanding their life path after listening to this music for extended periods of time.

Listen to a Sample!


Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music! The music is divinely relaxing, use your judgement on using this when driving!


new My soul.mp3


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