Self-Love with Mother Mary

Dorota Rozmus


Voice-toning activation to feel Mother Mary's love for your inner child

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Full Description

Are you longing for this gentle Love that will love all of you?

In this activation you can allow and feel love in all your Being.

Enjoy the vibrational frequency of Dorota's singing voice and channeled energy of Feminine Divine.

Dorota's message:

In my work, we are working on levels of the Higher Self always, creating and tuning into vibration to bring everything within the listener to the highest level of their soul. This is what Golden Age of Atlantis achieved (5D body & mind blueprint) and I know I am here to create this awareness and activate Light.

My audios envelope the listener in Light to create shifts in their energy field. For example, if I clear cells with one sound, then with the Light Beings, I maintain the loving vibration within the listener's emotional body - sometimes the sound goes up and down the spine shifting, and it is all happening within 2 minutes of the activation.

How to Use

Listen as often as you like for deeper connection to your healing and loving heart.

You can listen and go to sleep.

Active participation will help you embody more Light.


Do not use when driving.


Self Love - with Mother Mary .mp3


$22    $10.99