Divine Rub

Jenny Ngo


Enjoy energetic first aid for healing any "ouchy" ($33 value!)

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Full Description

Have a booboo or ouchy hurt? Use this energetic Divine healing rub and feel better.

Countless celestial helpers will be present to soothe and comfort you and the ouchy. A must-have for any first aid kit!

Contains soft music; length: 3:33min

How to Use

Use it as often as you need when you or someone have a "booboo" or "ouchy". You can use this anywhere and to help anyone just like an energetic first aid.

When unable to play or on-the-go, can also be used by intention, just say Jenny's Divine Rub mp3 and the healing energies will be present right away as if you are actually playing it. Safe for ALL to use and for the Highest and best good of all.


Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state.


Free Gift- Divine Rub Music.mp3


$33    $0.99